Why Voting is Important
Your vote matters, is powerful, and it makes a difference. Your vote is a representation of your voice. While it sometimes may seem like one vote doesn't make a difference, utilizing your privilege to vote is a direct way to impact the issues you care about, make a difference in your community, and is the first step to becoming civically engaged. Voting in every election, even "off-year" (odd numbered year) elections is important. Every election has a variety of issues that impact you and your community every day, from town and city budgets to national legislation on climate efforts. We vote for all types of positions, such as County Commissioners, District Judge, Governor, State Legislature, Congress members, and, of course, the President. When you vote, you're supporting candidates that you want making important decisions in comparison to the alternative.
The student vote, in particular, has the power to be a key constituency in elections. Young voters are historically underrepresented, but in 2020, college-aged students jumped to a record high of 66%. Students have the power to make a significant difference in elections and can vote to make change for themselves and their loved ones, as well as be allies for those who need their voices and concerns amplified. We all have a say in what the future should look like. Empower yourselves. Empower others. Show up to the polls (or mail in your absentee ballot) and use your voice.
Mansfield Voting Districts List & Locations and Transportation
There are multiple polling locations in the town of Mansfield, CT. If you live on campus you are in District 1. For students living off campus in Mansfield please reference the PDF below to find out where your location is.
Mansfield Voting Districts List & Locations
More information on Mansfield polling place shuttles coming soon...
Common Questions & Resources
Am I eligible to vote?
States have different voter eligibility requirements. Click here to search eligibility requirements by state.
- In Connecticut, to be eligible to vote, you must:
- Be a U.S. citizen living in Connecticut
- Be at least 17 years old and turning 18 years old by Election Day
- Have completed confinement and parole, if previously convicted of a felony
- For more information, click here
Where do I register to vote?
- If you are a Connecticut resident:
- If you are not a Connecticut resident:
- You can find out how to register in your state by visiting: vote.gov
Am I already registered to vote?
Instructions on how to confirm your registration can be found here.
Am I eligible to vote by mail and how do I vote by mail?
To search your states requirements, click here.
Connecticut Voters:
Connecticut has strict laws regarding who can vote absentee.
- Are you an active member of the armed forces of the United States?
- Will you be out of town on Election Day?
- Does sickness prevent you from voting in person on Election Day?
- Do your religious beliefs prevent you from performing secular activities like voting on Election Day?
- Will you be performing duties as an election official at a polling place other than your own on Election Day?
- Does a physical disability prevent you from voting in person on election day?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, you are eligible to vote absentee.
- Send your application to your town clerk. A list of town clerks can be found here.
- For more information on vote by mail eligibility requirements in Connecticut, click here.
Is there a difference? Voting by mail/Absentee voting
- There is no distinction between these terms, both refer to filling out and mailing a ballot instead of voting in-person at a polling location.
- Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and states rights to administer elections, there are different policies depending where one lives. For example, some states:
- allow voters to utilize COVID-19 as a reason for requiring an absentee ballot
- send all registered voters a ballot ahead of the election
- have deemed the COVID-19 pandemic an invalid reason for an absentee ballot
For a breakdown of policy differences by state, click here.
I’ve decided that I want to vote in person, where do I vote?
Connecticut residents can use this Voter Registration Lookup to find their polling location.
If you are not a Connecticut resident, click here to search for your polling location in your state.
Are there resources for voters with disabilities?
- Click here for resources and information for voters with disabilities in Connecticut. You have the right to vote and your vote matters!
Town of Mansfield Voting Questions & Resources
- *This information has been provided by the Town of Mansfield*Frequently Asked Questions
Presidential Election
November 5, 2024
How do I register to vote in Mansfield?
You cannot vote without being registered. You must register online or via mail by October 18, 2024 in order to vote and avoid waiting in line outside for Election Day Registration.
• If you have a CONNECTICUT driver’s license, register online at voterregistration.ct.gov
• If you have an OUT OF STATE driver’s license, print a Mail-In Voter Registration Form, fill it out, and mail it to Registrar of
Voters, 4 South Eagleville Road, Mansfield, CT 06268On-Campus Students: enter 1 University of CT as your RESIDENCE address and enter your home address as your MAILING address on the Voter Registration Form.
Off-Campus Students: enter your Mansfield* off-campus address as your RESIDENCE address and either the same address or your home address as your MAILING address.
*The off-campus address MUST be a Mansfield/Storrs address. Students attending UConn but living in another town must register and vote in the town they live in.
Please enter a phone number on your Voter Registration Form in case clarification is required.
What is Election Day Registration?
Election Day Registration (EDR) allows voters to register to vote on Election Day. This option is available for those who did not register before the October 18, 2024 registration deadline. You will need to provide a piece of mail or digital evidence showing a Mansfield or UConn address. The wait time outside at EDR can be unpredictable and long. If at all possible, we recommend taking care of your registration before the registration deadline.
Should I check if my voter registration still active?
YES! Your voter registration can become inactive when a piece of mail sent to the address on your registration is returned as undeliverable. Thousands of UConn students became inactive in August this year when the Secretary of the State mailed Presidential Preference Primary absentee ballot applications to their campus addresses and the mail was returned as undeliverable (since students had moved out). Check on your registration at myvote.ct.gov/lookup. If necessary, you can re-register in Mansfield or register in your hometown if you are not currently living in Mansfield. See instructions for voter registration in Mansfield above.
What if I’m registered to vote in another town?
You may only vote in the town in which you are registered and you should be registered in your town of residence. If your hometown is your technical or usual place of residence, you may register in your hometown. If you are already registered in your hometown and will not be travelling there to vote on Election Day, you may request an absentee ballot from your hometown and vote by mail in advance of Election Day. (Apply for your absentee ballot now to allow adequate time for mail delivery!) If you need to update your registration to a new town of residence, you must register to vote in that new town by October 18, 2024 in order to vote and avoid waiting in line for Election Day Registration.
What if I don’t know where I’m registered or where my polling location is?
You may look up this information about yourself at myvote.ct.gov/lookup or contact the Registrars of Voters at 860-429-3368 or voterregistrars@mansfieldct.org.
How do I apply to vote by mail (absentee ballot) in Mansfield?
In Connecticut, voters must apply to vote by absentee ballot. You may request an application from the Town Clerk or obtain one online at www.MansfieldCT.gov/TownClerk. Alternatively, the Secretary of the State will be mailing applications to qualified voters sometime in September and you may use that application instead. Once you have completed your application, return it to either the Town’s general drop box or the official ballot drop box (both located outside the Town Hall door closest to the offices of the Tax Collector and Town Clerk, RT 275 side of the building) or mail it to: Town Clerk's Office, 4 South Eagleville Road, Mansfield, CT 06268.
What if I want to receive my absentee ballot in person?
Staff can issue your absentee ballot to you in person - no appointment needed.
• When: October 4, 2024 through November 5, 2024 between Monday - Wednesday 8AM-5:15PM; Thursday 8AM-6:30PM excluding State holidays and extreme inclement weather.
• Where: At the Town Hall exterior door closest to the offices of the Tax Collector and Town Clerk.
• How: Come with your pre-filled and signed application or fill one out upon your arrival. Applications and ballots will be
exchanged between the elector and staff through the general drop box slot.Tips:
• We are not legally able to hand anyone a ballot that is not their own. Each elector wishing to receive an absentee ballot must be
present to receive it in person. - • Bring your own black pen if you want to fill out your ballot while you are here.
• If there is a line, you may be exposed to the elements. Dress for your comfort.
How can I make sure my vote gets counted?
It is crucial that voters follow the ballot instructions included with their ballot exactly otherwise their ballot is not allowed to be counted. Some important instructions are:
1. The ballot will look the same as it does at the polls. Follow the instructions on the ballot for how to fill out the ballot properly.
2. Place the completed ballot into envelope B, seal envelope B, and sign envelope B where indicated.
3. Place envelope B into envelope C, seal envelope C, and write your return address on envelope C.
Once these steps are completed, you are ready to return your ballot. We are encouraging Mansfield voters to deliver their completed ballot to the locked and secured official ballot drop box WELL BEFORE November 5th (located to the right of the Town Hall door closest to the offices of the Tax Collector and Town Clerk, RT 275 side of the building). You may also return your ballot by mail. Early ballot return will help the Clerks as they work to sort and prepare the returned ballots for the Registrars. Voters have until 8PM on Tuesday, November 5, 2024 to return their ballot to the ballot drop box. Per state statute at this time, ballots received after 8PM on November 5, 2024 cannot be counted.
What if I have more questions?
• Town Clerk’s Office: 860-429-3302 ext. 4 or townclerk@mansfieldct.org; online at www.MansfieldCT.gov/TownClerk
• Registrars of Voters: 860-429-3368 or voterregistrars@mansfieldct.org
These FAQs were prepared by the Town Clerk and Registrars of Voters for the purposes of voter education.
For more information for college students
- Visit the Campus Vote Project.
Register, check registration, get an absentee ballot:
- Visit Rock the Vote!